Nationwide Qualifers 2020


Unfortunately it is with regret that some of the Nationwide Qualifiers for our area have been cancelled. We currently have no upcoming events.

As soon as it is safe to do so more information on future events will be addressed. 

Please see below any correspondence over the past few months, click to drop down more info. 

September 2020 - Street & AGM

Dear Member


It is with regret that we have to advise you of the cancellation of the following Midlands Area Meetings due to the coronavirus pandemic:


16th September 2020 – Midlands Area AGM cancelled

11th October 2020 – Midlands Area Street Dance qualifying competition cancelled.


If you have any questions please contact:

Dawn Parker email: or

Derek Tonks email:



IDTA Midlands Area

August 2020 - Classical & Freestyle

Dear Friends,

I hope you are keeping safe and well, and that you have been able to reopen your Dance Schools in some format.

It is with regret that due to circumstances beyond our control, the Board of Directors have taken the decision to cancel the forthcoming Nationwide Events : -

* CLASSICAL & MODERN SEQUENCE FINALS (Saturday 24th / Sunday 25th

October 2020)

* FREESTYLE & ROCK & ROLL FINALS (Saturday 7th / Sunday 8th November


We consider the safety of our members and their schools to be of the utmost importance and we have a duty of care to each and every one of you.

The Winter Gardens to date do not know when they will be able open their doors again and even if it were to reopen it would be extremely difficult for us to run such mammoth events in any format.

Other contributing factors include a growing concern that we will suffer a second wave as Autumn approaches, plus any local lockdowns will prevent people travelling. These factors alongside booking/cancelling hotels/ transport and social distancing will make it impossible to run safely.

This was not an easy decision and many weeks of serious thought and deliberation has gone into arriving at this conclusion.

We hope you understand our concerns . As soon as there are any further developments you will be notified immediately.

May 2020 - Ballroom Finals

We can only assume the rescheduled Nationwide Ballroom & Latin Finals , (July 28th / 29th) will take place , although we will have to await further information from the Government this weekend with regards to large gatherings. 

The Board of Directors and Nationwide Committee are concerned it may not be able to run, therefore we need to consider a ‘Plan B’ ! 

We are asking teachers to consider and contact their pupils to see if they are interested in a ‘NATIONWIDE ONLINE’ Event . 

1. This is only an option if Government Guidelines do not allow for this type of event to be run as normal this year (large gatherings). 

2. It will be run by video entry in the normal age group / genre and gender categories. 

3. The format will be kept as close to the way it is normally run as possible. 

4. The rules will remain in place where applicable. 

5. There would be a nominal fee for each video submitted. 

6. Entries are restricted to all competitors who qualified to dance at Blackpool for the Area Qualifying heats held in December 2019. 

7. All competitions will be SOLO events. 

This is only an outline of an idea and many things would need to be sorted out. 

What we would like is a yes or no if you would be interested there being no other option. 

The IDTA are trying to offer all participating schools a way to keep their pupils interested and maybe earn some money during this difficult time. 

I would be grateful if you could contact me with your feedback and approximate numbers interested. We have a Web Ex meeting Thursday 14th May so I would need to know by 13th May at the latest. 

May 2020 - Nationwide letter

Dear Friends, 

Following the Board of Directors meeting of 20th May , I am writing to advise you of the following decisions : 

1. Nationwide Ballroom & Latin Finals 2020 rescheduled for 28th & 29th July 2020 will be cancelled. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic means that even if venues like the Winter Gardens re open at the beginning of July, it will be impossible with social distancing to hold the event safely. 

2. All the competitors who have qualified to take part in the Ballroom & Latin Finals for 2020 will be carried over to the Finals in 2021 (booked for 17th / 18th April 2021). Qualifiers will remain in the same age group and category. 

3. Area Committees therefore do not hold qualifying heats for Ballroom & Latin Finals for 2021. 

4. The Board of Directors will be meeting again at the beginning of July and will review the running of the Classical / Modern Sequence Finals and the Freestyle / Rock ‘n’ Roll Finals in line with the Government guidelines. As soon as a decision is made we will advise you. 

It is essential that we must comply with Government restrictions to ensure public health and safety standards are met. I trust that you understand the reasons for the decisions. 

March 2020 - Freestyle


Dear Teachers,

It is with sadness and regret I have to inform you that the qualifying heats for the Freestyle & Rock’n’Roll Scheduled to take place on June 14th 2020 is postponed due to Coronavirus pandemic.

We are currently in negotiations with Walsall Town Hall , awaiting alternative dates; this is proving difficult as they have had a management restructure . We may therefore have to look at other venues , or await their response ! We will inform you as soon as possible of the outcome.

The Midlands Area Committee are working for our members and would ask you for your continued support and understanding in this difficult period.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times,

Keep well and keep safe!

Kind Regards ,

Dawn Parker (Chairman)

Derek Tonks (Vice Chairman)

and the IDTA Midlands Area Committee